Sales Modernization

Build A Modern Sales Process for Today's B2B Buyers


Sales Modernization

Traditional, tried-and-true sales practices are no longer delivering results. The old-school approach, of face-to-face-meetings, educating prospects about products and services and building relationships that lead to sales is no longer required by the vast majority of B2B buyers. 

Increase Sales and Loyalty Through Customer Success

Combined with End-to-End Digital Customer Engagement, we'll help implement an efficient customer success model to handle up to ~80% of sales and support interactions.

  • Establish a customer success group as a growth initiative, including goals for increased first-time and repeat sales.
  • Customer success team members are customer advocates tasked to work throughout the company to ensure a customer's needs are met.  
  • ​Data and analytics are harnessed to predict customer needs and behaviors.


Grow Customer Count Spend
End-to-End Digital Customer Channel

Automate Repetitive Processes

Sales automation applications are employed to complete repetitive tasks for customers, sales personnel and customer success team. The results are increased sales at lower cost.

  • Why ask a prospect's location when your web application should already know it?
    A wealth of information about prospects and customers is available to speed purchasing and information gathering.
  • Eliminate or drastically reduce time and resources for configuration, pricing and quoting (CPQ).
    Automation can process tasks in the background, such as shipping costs, credit checking, order notifications, transactional communications, and much more.
  • Automation never goes on vacation. It enables sales and customer support to operate 24/7/365.

Rationalize Traditional Sales Process

More than two-thirds of B2B buyers migrate to digital commerce and self-service

  • Stop paying commission for order taking.
  • Free high-cost sales resources to focus on buyers who require unique expertise, complex configuration or specialized onboarding.
  • This is a gradual, non-disruptive process. As customers transition to digital and customer success teams, traditional sales personnel become more focused on strategic opportunities.
Rationalize Traditional Sales