Digital Customer Share

Unlock profits from existing customers



Drive superior enterprise value—revenue, profit, EBITDA—with a digital focus on customer share. Current customers require less time and resources to generate incremental income. Digital provides hard data to segment customers, predict buying patterns, and reveal additional internal and external sources of revenue.

BNM prefers a primary focus on customer share over market share for companies with short-term (three-to-five year) growth horizons. Market share driven strategies often require extended time periods, creating instability with incremental revenue at the expense of margins, resources and acquisition costs.

Digital Customer Share
Profitability Segmentation

Profitability Segmentation

Grow Share 24/7. There are many effective methods to segment customers. Digital enables profitability segmentation by individual customer and/or account—at every touchpoint. At the heart of growing customer share is the ability to define and reliably execute strategies to:

  • Protect, nurture and reward Most Profitable Customers (MPCs)
  • Deploy tactics to grow Most Growable Customers (MGCs)
  • Convert Unprofitable Customers (UCs) to MGCs (or encourage defection to a competitor)


Buyer: “Hey, they know me here!” Digital is the key to personalizing broad customer share strategies. Personalized experiences are based on customer role, buying patterns and predictive behavior. Customer data is leveraged for additional personalization based on any number of attributes, including location, local time, visited products, downloaded/viewed content, actions, purchase stage, browser, device, and more.

Business Platforming

Business Platforming

The mature stage of customer share. Enabling others to leverage your company’s capabilities to grow their business creates enterprise value for your company. A strong digital platform positions your organization to benefit economically by being the connecting force between your customer base, bolt-on acquisitions and other external players.