Digital Customer Retention

Experience Drives Digital Customer Retention



Effortless experience defines your company far more than traditional branding activities and even price. Win at digital customer retention by enabling immediate task completion with little or no human interaction -- effortless transaction, effortless access to account information and automated communications.

Digital customer retention is all about digital experience. We make that happen.

Digital Customer Retention

Things Have Changed

  • 70% of Internet Users Prefer Functionality Over Look and Feel.
  • Customers now prefer accomplishing their own online research, buying and customer service. Human interaction is often a negative. 
  • Digital customer retention, along with digital customer share, largely depends on how easy and transparent it is to do business with your company.

What We Do

  • Partner with leadership to create effortless experiences across all customer interactions and company functions.
  • Integrate legacy systems and bridge human processes to ensure customer ease in accomplishing their buying tasks.
  • Implement path-of-least-resistance, customer-facing, digital interactions.


  • Year-over-year revenue growth.
  • Higher margins than competitors who require more effort and needless human interaction.
  • Reductions in cost-to-serve.

What is Digital Customer Retention?

Following digital customer acquisition, digital customer retention is the process of earning repeat business from a customer by delivering a digital experience that is highly valued. That digital customer experience is based on providing a frictionless, path-of-least-resistance for a digital customer to acquire the products and services they require. The "path" is influenced by on line experience as well as product quality, on time delivery and customers service.

How to Start Digital Customer Retention?

B2B buyers presented provided a tool to quickly accomplish their tasks will use it again and again! To start driving digital customer retention, stop thinking "website" and deploy a business application that turns a prospect into a buyer and sets the stage for ongoing and exceptional customer experiences.