Your Customers Don't Want to Talk to You

Study after study of B2B buyers reveals most of the time your customers would rather use online self-service than interact with your sales or customer service team. The fact is, most customers who call are looking at your website at the same time because they looked there first for information or a way to place an order.


Do your customers send orders and questions in email?
That's another symptom, not a solution. Given the opportunity, your customers would much rather complete a task with a few clicks than composing an email and waiting for a delayed response.


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Your Customers Don't Want to Talk to You

Do your customers still call you to do business?

Chances are they call because they have to, not because they want to.

The fact is, the majority of your customers, the majority of the time, don’t want to talk to you, your salespeople or customer service folks. Your customers would rather do business with your company -- on their own. According to a 2021 McKinsey study of all B2B sectors, phone calls, face-to-face meetings -- and even worse, direct mail and cold calling -- are unwelcomed interruptions by up to two-thirds of prospects and customers.

It makes sense. B2B buyers are consumers too. And consumers flock to every aspect of digital business – from online retail to self-service airport kiosks. Well beyond basic ecommerce, consumers embrace digital self-service, predictive buying suggestions, transactional text messaging and chat bots.

And digital self-service is not limited to the millennial generation… Since COVID, Boomers represent the fastest rate of digital adoption. 

The availability of robust digital self-service rewards a seller in two ways. First, avoiding the scalability challenge combined with the ever-increasing expense required for effective phone-based customer interactions. Second is the customer loyalty, and competitive differentiation, gained by enabling customers to do business the way they want to.

If customers don’t want to talk to a person… they shouldn’t have to.   

Think of it this way: Most of your customers don’t want to talk to you. It’s time to make that a good thing.

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